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  • Technical Documentation | thingable!

    Access our documentation and create your application now Access our Wiki! Connect with IoT and Advanced Telemetry trends Sign up for our news!

  • Plataforma Iot | thingable!

    IoT and Advanced Telemetry at the service of your operation! Sobre Our expertise in IoT and Advanced Telemetry allows us to develop solutions that go far beyond remote monitoring. Through the thingable! IoT Low-Code platform, we facilitate the development of applications and the integration of IoT devices for companies. With our IoT Machine Care solution we drive efficiency in fleet management, offering Advanced Telemetry and Control for Heavy Machines. Discover the thingable! IoT platform Browse thingable! IoT Machine Care! Case Study-Telemetry and Control of Lifting Platform Rental Management Discover how to thingable! IoT Machine Care, Complete Advanced Telemetry and Heavy Machine Control Solution, provides smarter management of the entire fleet See more COMPLETE IoT AND ADVANCED TELEMETRY SOLUTIONS FOR VARIOUS MARKETS Be able to monitor online, in real time, strategic data or for your business? Have you ever thought on connecting all your assets in just a few minutes? Activate commands remotely and automate process? Control the maintenance of your company machines? With thingable! solutions , you can do it all! We integrate all data, from your company's most diverse assets , into the same environment . Facilitating access, monitoring and analysis of strategic information for the your business. Analyze information in real time. Establish intelligent management of your operation and guarantee more productivity and profitability at the same time. your business! It is simple, fast and intuitive! Produto Agriculture Energy Generation Heavy Machines Logistics Environment Services Industry 4.0 START THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF YOUR BUSINESS! Connect with IoT and Advanced Telemetry trends Sign up for our news! Rest assured... we are CONCERT We were born as a “spin-off” of CONCERT Technologies. A group of companies with over 40 years of experience in the Real-Time and Critical Systems Operation Technology (OT) market in the Utilities and Aerospace Areas. In an extremely digital and competitive world that requires more assertive and agile decision-making, we offer a solution that enables autonomous and simplified management, in search of cost reduction and the possibility of scaling the business. We believe that encouraging the search for innovation, through investment in technologies such as the Internet of Things, and Advanced Telemetry, contributes to the sustainable growth not just of a business but of the entire ecosystem. Therefore, our purpose is to "Democratize the development and sharing of IoT solutions and Advanced Telemetry".

  • Politica de Privacidade | thingable!

    PRIVACY POLICY At thingable! Privacy and security are priority and we commit ourselves with the transparence of the personal treatment data of our users/clients. That’s why, these present Privacy Policy establish how is made the collection, usage and transfer of information of clients or other people that access or use our site. As using our services, you understand that we will collect and use your personal information on the detailed ways on that Policy, under the norms of Data Protection (LGPD federal law 13.709/2108), the consumer provision of the federal law 8078/1990 and the other rules of the applicable Brazilian law ordering. That way, the thingable!,CONCERT TECHNOLOGIES S.A spin-off company, written on CNPJ under the No 33.821.310/0001-26, on the Data holding role ,it’s obliged to the provision on the present Privacy Policy. 1- WICH DATA WE COLECT ABOUT YOU AND TO WHAT PURPOSE? Our site collects and use some of your personal data, in a way to enable the services provision and improve the usage experience. 1.1. Personal data provided by the holder Name E-mail Phone with DDD Name of the company to which the holder is associated ​ 1.2. Personal data collected automatically Access device features Browser features IP (with date and time) IP origin Information about cliques The accessed following pages after the exit of the pages Or any search term typed on the sites or in references to them, between others. 2 - HOW DO WE COLLECT YOUR DATA? On that way, the collect of your personal data occurs on the following way: ​ ​ Sites. Sites aimed to the users/clients, managed by or to the thingable!, including sites that we operate under our own domains /URLs and commercial pages that we maintain on social network of third parties, as, but not only Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Google. Movable Sites/Applications. Movable Sites or applications aimed to the Users/clients and managed by or for the thingable!. E-mail, text messages and other electronic messages. Interactions that we make with our clients/users, as electronic communications send by thingable! By e-mail, for example. Register formulary offline. Printed or digital formularies, and similar forms, by which We request your Personal Data, as, for example, on events, between others. Interactions with advertisements. Interactions with our advertisements (for example, if you interact if one or more of our advertisements in a third-party site, we can receive information about that interaction). “Created” data by ourselves. During our interactions with you, diverse other personal data can arise, as, for example, your contact register in our sites. Other sources data. Social networks of third parties, as, but not only to LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Google, market researches (if the return it’s not given on an anonymized way), third parties aggregators data, promotional thingable! partners, public sources and data received when we acquire other companies. Cookies, pixel tags, beacons and local shared objects, that are used with the purpose of improve the users/clients browse experience on the pages, according with their habits and their preferences. ​ 2.1. Agreement It’s through agreement your agreement that we treat your personal data. The agreement it’s a free manifestation, informed and distinct by which you authorize the thingable! To treat your data. On that way, in according with the Data Protection General Law, your data only will be collected, treated and stored by previous and express agreement. Your agreement will be obtained on a specific way to each purpose described above, highlighting the transparency commitment of good faith of thingable! to their users/clients, following the pertinent law regulation. When using our services and provide your personal data, you will be aware and consenting with the provisions of this Privacy Policy, in addition of know your rights and how to exercise them. At any moment and without any cost, you could revoke your agreement. It’s important to highlight that the revocation of the agreement for the data treatment can Involve the impossibility of the suitable performance of some site functionality that depends of the operation. Such consequences will be previously informed. 3- WHICH ARE YOUR RIGHTS? We ensure to our clients their holders rights predicted on the article 18 of the General Data Protection Law. On that way, you can, on a free way and at any moment: ​ Confirm the existence of data treatment, on a simplified way or in a complete and clear format. Access your data, allowing request it on a legible copy under printed form or by an electronic way, secure and appropriated. Correct your data, when requesting their editing, correction or updating. Limit your data, when unnecessary, excessive or treated on disagreement with the legislation through the anonymization, blockage or elimination. Request the portability of your data, through a cadastral data report that the thingable! treat in your respect. Eliminate your treated data through your agreement, in exception on the predicted cases by the law. Revoke your agreement, disallowing your data treatment. Inform yourself about the possibility of don’t offer your agreement about the negative consequences. 4- HOW EXERCISE YOUR HOLDER RIGHT? To exercise your holder’s rights, you should contact us through the following available ways: ​ (31) 3194-0700 In way to guarantee your correct identification as a Personal Data holder, request object It is possible that we request documents or other proofs that can proof your Identity. In this hypothesis, you will be previously informed. 5- HOW AND FOR HOW LONG YOUR DATA WILL BE STORED? Personal Data collected by thingable! will be used and stored during the necessary time for the service providing or for that the purposes listed on the present Privacy Policy be reached, considering the holder’s data rights and of the controlling. In a general way, your data will be maintained while the contractual relation between you and our company endure. Expiring the Personal Data storage period, these will be excluded of our data bases or anonymized, subject the hypothesis legally predicted on the article 16 general data protection law, including: I-compliance of legal obligation or regulatory by the controlling; II-study by research body, ensured, always that is possible, the anonymization of the personal data; III- Transfer to third party, as long as the data treatment requisites determined in this law; or IV- exclusive usage of the controlling, closed its access by third party, and as long anonymized the data. That’s it, personal information about you that be indispensable for the compliance of legal determinations, legal and admiratives and/or for the exercise of the defense rights on legal and administrative process will be maintained, despite of the other data exclusion. The collected data storage by our company reflects our commitment with the security and privacy of your data. We use measures and technical solutions of protection able to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and inviolability of your data. In addition to that, we also count with appropriate security measures to the risks and with access control to the stored information. 6- WHAT WE DO TO MAINTAIN YOUR DATA SECURE? To keep your personal information secure, we use physical tools, electronic and managing oriented to your privacy protection. We apply these tools taking in consideration the nature of the collected personal data, the context and the purpose of the treatment and the risks that eventual violations would generate to the rights and freedom of the holder’s collected and treated data. Between the measures that we adopt, we highlight the followings: Only authorized people have access to your personal data The access to your personal data it’s made only after the commitment of confidentiality Your personal data are stored on a secure and suitable ambiance. We commit ourselves to adopt the better postures to avoid security incidents. However, it’s necessary highlight that any virtual page it’s entirely secure and free of risks. It’s possible that, in spite of all our security protocols, occur guilt problems exclusively from third parties, as cybernetic attacks from hackers, or also as a result of the neglects or imprudence of the own client/user. In case of incidents of security that can generate risk or relevant damage to you or any of our users/clients, we will communicate to the affected and the Data Protection National Authority about the occurred, in accord with the provisions of the Data Protection General Law. 7- WITH WHOM YOUR DATA CAN BE SHARED? Our company could share your personal data on rigid respect to the Data General Protection Law, and in the limits of what will be really necessary to the achievement of the purposes determined on the Privacy Policy. The sharing of data could be done with: Companies providers of managing systems of client’s relationships; Companies’ providers of marketing management platforms – automation and business intelligence; Company partner on events performed in group, in case there is interest on the person in demonstration or presentation of the product/service shown on the same. These receive their data only as required to the service provision contracted and ours contract are oriented by the Brazilian legal ordering data protection rules. In addition to that, also exist other hypothesis that your data can be shared, which are: I-Legal determination, requirement or legal order, with legal authorities, administrative or competent governmental II-Company movement case, with fusion, acquisition and incorporation, on an automatic way III- Companies Rights protection of the concert group Technologies in any kind of conflict, including the legal contents. 8- COOKIES OR BROWSING DATA We make use of Cookies, that are text files sent by the platform to your computer and in it are stored, that contain information related to the site browsing. In conclusion, the Cookies are used to improve the usage experience. When accessing our site and allow the use of Cookies, you manifest know and accept the usage of a system of browse data collection with the usage of Cookies on your device. We use the following Cookies: 1 NAME: XSRF-TOKEN USAGE: For security reasons TYPE: Essential 2 NAME: hs USAGE: For security reasons TYPE: Essential 3 NAME: svSession USAGE: In connection with user login TYPE: Essential 4 NAME: SSR-caching USAGE: To indicate the system from which the site was rendered TYPE: Essential 5 NAME: _wixCIDX USE: For system monitoring/debugging TYPE: Essential 6 NAME: _wix_browser_sess USE: For system monitoring/debugging TYPE: Essential 7 NAME: consent-policy USAGE: For cookie banner parameters TYPE: Essential 8 NAME: smSession USE: To identify logged in site members TYPE: Essential 9 NAME: TS* USE: For security and anti-fraud reasons TYPE: Essential 10 NAME: bSession USE: To measure system effectiveness TYPE: Essential 11 NAME: fedops.logger.sessionId USE: For stability/efficacy measurement TYPE: Essential NAME: wixLanguage USAGE: On multilingual sites to save user's language preference TYPE: Functional 12 13 NAME: _ga USE: This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. It is used to calculate campaign, session and visitor data as well as tracking website usage for website analytics report. Cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. TYPE: Functional 14 NAME: _gat_gtag_UA_148377723_3 USE: To limit the amount of data logged by Google on high traffic sites. TYPE: Functional 15 NAME: _gcl_au USE: Google Analytics feature to understand user interaction with the website. TYPE: Functional NAME: _gid USE: This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. It is used to store information on how visitors use the site and helps in creating a performance analysis report. The data collected, including the number of visitors, their origin and the pages visited are anonymous. TYPE: Functional 16 You can, at any time and without any cost, alter the permissions, block or refuse the Cookies. However, the revocation of the agreements of determined Cookies can preclude the correct functioning of some resources of the platform. To manage the cookies of your browser, it’s just do it directly on the browser configurations, on the Cookies managing area. Personal data collected by CONCERT Cloud will be used and stored for the time necessary for the provision of the service or for the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy to be achieved, considering the rights of data subjects and controllers._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ In general, your data will be kept as long as the contractual relationship between you and our company lasts. After the storage period of personal data, they will be deleted from our databases or anonymized, except for the cases legally provided for in article 16 general data protection law, namely: I – compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation by the controller; II – study by a research body, guaranteeing, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal data; III – transfer to a third party, provided that the data processing requirements set forth in this Law are complied with; ou IV – exclusive use of the controller, its access by a third party being prohibited, and provided that the data is anonymized. That is, personal information about you that is essential for the fulfillment of legal, judicial and administrative determinations and/or for the exercise of the right of defense in judicial and administrative proceedings will be kept, despite the exclusion of other data. The storage of data collected by our company reflects our commitment to the security and privacy of your data. We employ technical protection measures and solutions capable of guaranteeing the confidentiality, integrity and inviolability of your data. In addition, we also have risk-appropriate security measures and access control to stored information. 9- ALTERATION OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY The actual version of the Privacy Policy was raised and updated for the last time at :10/15/2021 We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any moment, according to the adjustment to eventual alterations made in our site or in legal scope. We recommend you to review with frequency. Eventual alterations will enter into force from its publication in our site we will always notify about the occurred changes. When using our services and offer your personal data after such modifications, you agree. 10 - RESPONSIBILITY Our company provides for the liability of agents who act in the data processing processes, in accordance with articles 42 to 45 of the General Data Protection Law. We undertake to keep this Privacy Policy updated, observing its provisions and ensuring compliance. In addition, we are also committed to seeking technical and organizational conditions that are safely able to protect the entire data processing process. If the National Data Protection Authority requires the adoption of measures in relation to the processing of data carried out by our company, we undertake to follow them. ​ 10.1 Disclaimer As mentioned in Topic 6, although we adopt high security standards in order to avoid incidents, there is no virtual page that is entirely risk-free. In this sense, our company is not responsible for: I – Any consequences arising from the negligence, recklessness or malpractice of users in relation to their individual data. We guarantee and are only responsible for the security of the data processing processes and the fulfillment of the purposes described in this instrument. We emphasize that the responsibility regarding the confidentiality of the access data lies with the user. II – Malicious actions by third parties, such as hacker attacks, unless proven culpable or deliberate conduct by thingable!. We emphasize that in the event of security incidents that may generate relevant risk or damage for you or any of our users/customers, we will communicate to those affected and the National Data Protection Authority about what happened and we will comply with the necessary measures._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ III – Untruth of the information entered by the user/client in the records necessary for the use of our company's services; any consequences arising from false information or entered in bad faith are entirely the responsibility of the user/customer. 11- GENERAL PROVISIONS Our company provides the following means for you to get in touch to exercise your rights as a titleholder: ​ (31) 3194-0700 If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the personal data we process, you can contact us through the channels mentioned above.

  • Plataforma Iot | thingable!

    Learn about the Internet of Things (IoT) and Advanced Telemetry with thingable! Here you can access all our materials about the universe of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Advanced Telemetry and the applications of these technologies in the most diverse market niches. Browse the page and check out our E-books, Case Studies, articles published on the blog and Cases! CASE STUDY Telemetry and Control of Lifting Platform Rental Management Discover how to thingable! IoT Machine Care, Complete Advanced Telemetry and Heavy Machine Control Solution, provides smarter management of the entire fleet Access Access our documentation and check out information on how to develop your application, using the Thingable IoT Low-code platform! Technical Documentation DEMYSTIFY IoT Understand what the Internet of Things (IoT) is and check out some possibilities for applying this technology in the most different niches market E-BOOKS See more Blog Visit our blog and check out articles about IoT and its applications in the most diverse market niches! Connect with IoT and Advanced Telemetry trends Sign up for our news! START THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF YOUR BUSINESS!

  • Users | thingable!

    Access the testing environment on the thingable IoT platform ! Go to thingable! IoT Platform! Connect with IoT and Advanced Telemetry trends Sign up for our news!

  • Continuous Improvements | thingable!

    Continuous improvement plans We know that IoT applications are living systems! They need constant technological improvement and adjustments. And we carry out this follow-up for you, the client. ​ If the customer needs the services of the thingable team! to develop and evolve your APP, you can hire the services of Continuous Improvement, through packages of Story Points . Requests will be limited according to the contracted SP package. Each package will be valid for 6 (six) months. ​ The customer may, at its discretion, request thingable! the use of this bank of SPs for the implementation of small developments to be incorporated in your APP, such as: Interface adjustments Specific Interactions Scripts/reports elaborations Data connections And others. Requests for these services must follow the following flow: Talk to the consultant!

  • Mercados | thingable!

    Take a look on some of our actuation markets ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES See market

  • Products | thingable!

    Take a look on some of our actuation markets ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Solução Completa de Telemetria Avançada e Controle de Máquinas Pesadas See market Conecte-se com as tendências de IoT e Telemetria Avançada CADASTRE-SE EM NOSSA NEWS!

  • Termo de Consentimento | thingable!

    CONSENT TERM FOR DATA PROCESSING Through this instrument and in a free, conscious and informed way, I authorize thingable!, spin-off of the company CONCERT TECHNOLOGIES SA, registered with the CNPJ under nº 33.821.310/0001-26, to send me content about the products and services offered by the company via telephone or e-mail, according to the terms and conditions below. OBJECT OF CONSENT The consent to this Consent Term for Data Processing (“Consent Term”) will be attested by selecting the box informing the acceptance. By clicking on that button, I declare that I have read and agree to all the terms of this instrument. Therefore, I hereby authorize that thingable! send me marketing content. As an example, newsletters, invitations to events and satisfaction surveys related to products and services of my interest may be sent. PROCESSED PERSONAL DATA A thingable! You will be able to understand which products and services offered by it are compatible with my interests through: ​ a) filling in forms available on the company's website and landing pages, expressly indicating my preferences; ​ b) the help of cookies, which may record in a user's personal profile (“Personal Profile”) certain information regarding my interaction, as well as my preferences, while I browse the company's website._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ ​ As the forms available on the website, events and landing pages of the company are filled in, they will be stored in my Personal Profile, on a mandatory basis: ​ a) name; b) employing company; c) email address ​ According to the filling of forms available on the website of thingable!, at events and on the company's landing pages, they will be stored in my Personal Profile, if made available by me: ​ a) position and/or function held in the company; b) phone number. ​ Regarding the cookies collected, I am aware that they are used to improve users' experience by studying interactions on the website. By way of example, they can record pages and articles viewed, materials downloaded and the date and time of access (“Usage Data”). ​ On the other hand, whenever emails are opened by me, I am aware that the thingable! You will receive a notice about it, the corresponding information of which will be added to my Personal Profile under the domain of thingable!, through the marketing automation platforms hired to manage your contacts. DATA TRANSFER A thingable! may share my personal data in strict compliance with the LGPD - General Data Protection Law, and within the limits of what is really necessary to achieve the purposes set out in this Consent Term. ​ Data sharing can be done with: ​ a) companies providing customer relationship management systems; ​ b) companies providing marketing management platforms - automation and business intelligence; ​ c) company providing technological and operational infrastructure for storage/backup purposes in the cloud, in order to ensure greater storage capacity, response time and security for the data processed in the organization; ​ d) official public body or entity, regulatory, police or governmental authority to comply with legal and regulatory obligations; ​ e) partner companies in joint events, if the person is interested in demonstrating or presenting the product/service shown in them. CANCELLATION I am aware that, at any time, and in my sole discretion, I may withdraw the consent provided herein, in which case the activities carried out by thingable! related to this Consent Term will remain impaired. I am aware that, to revoke this authorization, simply send an email to GENERAL PROVISIONS Any changes and/or updates to this Consent Term will always be communicated, being assured the option to suspend the services and delete the personal data collected at any time, in case I disagree with the new terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any of the provisions described in this document, I must refuse it, ceasing to receive the services object of this Consent Form by thingable!

  • Plataforma IoT thingable!

    Do you need help to implement your IoT solution ? In addition of the thingable! Platform we offer specialized services for the development and implementation of the IoT applications. Check out! Converse com nossos especialistas! POC Our specialists’ team can help on the conception and implementation of POC to your business. The POC’S are implemented in a way that your evolution be proportioned without discontinuity. CUSTOMIZATION OF APP’s We quickly personalize the APP’s to attend the necessities of your business. We work in that way, since the concept of the APP passing through the Design Sprint until their production entrance. CONSULTING We have an area of Application Engineering with multidisciplinary professionals, that can help, the diverse profiles of clients, on all the chain of solution development IoT. CONTINUE IMPROVEMENT OF APP’s We know that the APP’s are live systems! They need of a qualified team and dedicated to their maintenance. And you can count with our team to optimizations, adjustments and constant evolutions on your application. We use agile methodologies on the development of the IoT solutions. We deliver more value in less time! At thingable! the Agile Methodology is adopted, and specifically, the Scrum framework with deliveries on cycles for the service provision of customization, setup and continue improvement of the APPs. The agile approaches look for the understanding of the main Problems of the client and the creation of solutions to solve them in a fast and effective way. Instead of long phases of documentation writing, as a big and large software specification It is made minor cycles of the scope understanding, followed by draw, implementation, validation with delivery and client. These interactions repeat themselves until that all the problems had been solved and validated. In that way, the client receives functional parts of software with highest frequency and have the opportunity of give more recurring feedback, ensuring so that the solution is attending the expectations. STAY CALM… WE ARE THE CONCERT We born as a “spin-off” of CONCERT Technologies. A group of companies with more than 40 years of experience on the market of Operation Technology (OT) of Real Time and Critics Systems on the utilities areas, Aerospace and Defense. ​ In a world extremely digital and competitive that demand a decision taking more assertive and agile, we offer a solution that enable an autonomous and simplified management, searching a cost reduction and possibility of scale the business. ​ We believe that encourage the quest for innovation, by technologies bet as the internet of the things, contributes for the sustainable growing not only of a business but of all the ecosystem. That’s why, our purpose it’s to “Democratize the development and sharing of the IoT solutions”. Conheça mais sobre a plataforma IoT low-code thingable! Fale com a gente! Conecte-se com as tendências de IoT e Telemetria Avançada CADASTRE-SE EM NOSSA NEWSLETTER

  • Support | thingable!

    Plans - Technical Support FREE FREE Community access Integration documentation Communication channel: E-mail Support Hours: 8/5 Professional Community access Integration documentation Communication channel: Help Desk Support Hours: 8/5 Specialist Support Price upon request Enterprise Price upon request Community access Integration documentation Communication channel: Help desk Support Hours: 24/7 Specialist Support Detailing Talk to the consultant!

  • Platform | thingable!

    Plans - Platform MVP Test for 3 months FREE up to 3 devices Data retention for 5 months MVP Test for 30 days FREE Until 3 devices Prototype Price upon request Until 20 devices Storage during the period of use Prototype Standard Standard Price upon request Until 100 devices Storage during the period of use Price upon request Until 500 devices Storage during the period of use Advanced Enterprise Price upon request Until 1000 devices Storage during the period of use *Over 1,000 devices, contact one of our consultants. Talk to the consultant

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